About Me

Early in one’ s lifetime, a person is taught about senses, it comes naturally on how to use it though. As with the 5 senses, learning and getting to know about God, is something that can be taught, but as time goes on, the awareness increases. Besides of faith and what you have been taught, how can we acknowledge our creator?

Our creator, God is like the air, like the wind – you can’t see it, but you can feel it. Its so amazing to experience a cool breeze at the shore; imagine life without air- can we breathe without air? Life without air is non-existent and God is the creator of air, the source of life, yet some choose to believe the “non existent” state of God. Though we can’t see the air, it does exist; though we can’t see God, He does exist.

Well, I am just a regular guy that knows of God’s existence and I’m trying to follow the example that Jesus lived and died for us – striving to live my life filled with the light inside of me, hoping sincerely that it will shine through for others to see.

I pursue a life reaching out to that perfect relationship with Christ Jesus – sincerely praying that the fruit of the spirit as in Galatians, chapter 5 (love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance) will be inside of me always.

I hope and pray and believe that my articles/poetry will be a blessing to you, sustaining your walk and relationship with Jesus, the Christ.

Have a great day today, God bless!

89 thoughts on “About Me

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  1. “Our creator, God is like the air, like the wind – you can’t see it, but you can feel it.” I like the way you defined God. Thanks for the follow and for liking my post.

  2. Hello! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  3. Thank you so, so much for the follow on my humble wee blog it is appreciated. Welcome aboard. If you have any suggestions or requests let me know. May you have a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. MM 🍀

  4. Thanks for stopping by climbinghigher.org Story of the day blog. Appreciate your follow and hope we can continue to learn and grow together!! Many blessings.

  5. These words “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” are the real truth. Once we know we are the soul we become free!
    Thank you and best wishes always!

  6. Your blog is wonderful! I enjoyed reading the acronyms for the books of the bible…very cool! Your poetry reads like songs of worship from a transparent heart. God bless and thank you for following our blog. Blessings~TapestryTreasures Team

  7. Hello! Thank you so much for following my “Randa Lane…” haiku blog. I hope it gives you much pleasure in the days ahead. Peace, Love, and Joy!


  8. Thank you touchtheworldtoday for joining up with us, you are the second person to do so today and both of you have a good focus, I look forward to following your Blog and hope you will with ours too.

    Jesus said ask and receive and we do too, He always keeps His promises.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

  9. We appreciate the follow. I am in the midst of a daily series and kind of running full bore. I’ll be back this weekend so I can, in a focused way, take in your work. Looking forward to that.
    A Servant

  10. I have to quote you the TRUTH you actually wrote, “Our creator, God is like the air, like the wind – you can’t see it, but you can feel it. Its so amazing to experience a cool breeze at the shore; imagine life without air- can we breathe without air? Life without air is non-existent and God is the creator of air, the source of life, yet some choose to believe the “non existent” state of God. Though we can’t see the air, it does exist; though we can’t see God, He does exist.” Bless you, Jackie

  11. “I pursue a life reaching out to that perfect relationship with Christ Jesus.”It thrills me to find others who are in pursuit of Jesus with their whole heart. He’s simply amazing on every level, isn’t He?

    Thanks for following Lessons by Heart. May your blog bear abundant fruit in due season!

    Love in Christ,
    Praising Jesus who loves to spend time with us!

  12. Touch, You recently decided to follow my blog (DealingwithCOPD), I am curious as to what brought you to me, and what made you decide to follow. I hope I continue to peak your interest. Take care, Bill

      1. DEVICES??? Never mind–I just thought you should know, as I doubt I’m the only one who might have enjoyed your blog if the text were able to be read.

  13. Hey brother – its nice to find some regular guys who just want to serve the Lord as best they can. I appreciate your testimony! All the best to you (and thanks for following my blog as well!).

  14. Thanks for the follow. Checked out some of your ‘Prayer in Pictures’ and LOVED THEM! I just started added Bible verses to some of my photos. Fun! Have a great day in the Lord.

  15. Just to let you know the access problem was that re-set email from WordPress was going into my Spam folder, and not to my valid in folder. Resolution is a dish best served with grits. 🙂

  16. Thank you so much for visiting and following our blog – we pray that something you read has encouraged you along your faith walk. I pray your day is great and may God continue to bless you and allow you to be a blessing to others.


  17. Thanks for finding my blog and following my humorous musings. Keep shining your light, I try to lighten people’s burdens with laughter! 🙂

  18. Thank you for stopping by my little corner of life, cookiecrumbstoliveby —I appreciate you wanting to follow along on my life’s adventures —and I look forward to sharing in your adventures as well—blessings to you—Julie

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